ESL Paper Submissions

IEEE Embedded Systems Letters now requires that all published articles be accompanied by a video graphical abstract (GA), along with a caption and overlay image.  While we do not require that a video abstract be included at initial submission, you will be required to submit a video abstract in a subsequent "minor revision" round. Video abstracts must be peer-reviewed and cannot be added after acceptance. Please review instructions for format, naming convention, and size guidelines for graphical art here. Please be sure to name your file as detailed in these guidelines. Note that captions cannot exceed 1800 characters (including spaces).  Overlay images are usually a screenshot of your video that best represents the video; this is for readers who may not have access to video-viewing software. 

Publication Style and Type

To guarantee a fast review and publication; we require a strict page limit for all papers in this journal, without any exception. This strict limit is 4 pages, and the format is required to be exactly as stated in this guideline. Research findings and results whose fast dissemination will spark interest in the academic and industrial communities, and whose main points can be captured within this page limit are best targeted for this journal. Research papers that require elaborate context, elaborate formalization and large amounts of data or formal proofs to convince the readers will be better targeted for other archival journals in the field. If you are writing for IEEE ESL, a general guideline is to minimize the motivational text and point directly to relevant background work without, of course, any omissions. In some cases, directly stating the problem that you are attempting to address may be an appropriate starting point. A manuscript can be one of three types: regular manuscripts, letters to the editor and a Response Manuscript. Per IEEE policy, all published manuscripts should be peer-reviewed for originality and technical soundness. If you are writing a "Response Manuscript" that is a follow up of an earlier published work, use the introductory text to capture the main points of the manuscript for the reader who may not have the benefit of having read the prior work. Visit the IEEE Author Center for formatting guidelines and templates here.

Length Restrictions

Submitted letters must be four pages or fewer, including all figures, tables, and references. Submissions exceeding this length will be returned without review. Papers should use 7.875 in x 10.75 in (20 cm x 27.30 cm) trim size and the IEEE transactions two-column format in 10-pt. font. In word counts, this corresponds to roughly 2200 words.

Peer Review

The articles in this journal are peer-reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual (sections 8.2.1.C & 8.2.2.A). Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-anonymous peer-review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance. Corresponding authors from low-income countries are eligible for waived or reduced open access APCs.

Concurrent or Overlapping Submission & Originality of Work

Submissions to IEEE ESL must consist of original work that has not been previously published nor is currently under review elsewhere. Concurrent or overlapping submission to IEEE ESL and other publications is viewed as a serious breach of ethics and, if detected, will result in immediate rejection of the submission.

Contributions beyond prior work must be clearly articulated. Letters submissions that extend or are otherwise closely related to prior publications must also include copies of those prior papers for the reviewers' and editors' reference.

Due to the short format, we expect that publication in IEEE ESL should not preclude later publication in top-quality conferences or full-length journals.

However, we expect that the later publication will be substantially extended as per IEEE guidelines.

Submissions are accepted on a continuing basis. Each submission will be assigned to an appropriate member of the Editorial Board to manage the review process. Upon acceptance, authors will have one week to make revisions.

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Open Access

 The fee for Open Access is $2,495 US.